Red, White & Blue Ice Cream Cake! Happy 4th of July!


Happy 4th of July my fellow Americans!! I know, I know, its a few days away but that doesn’t mean I can’t be excited or potentially get you excited for (what should be) a glorious day! All the politics and drama aside we live in an amazing country and we truly are blessed. Blessed. Really, we have an abundance of freedom for exponentially  amazing possibilities. So I decided to make a Raw, Vegan & Gluten Free ice cream cake to celebrate. Nom. Nom. Nom. It was good. I mean good as in great. And it is quiet pretty too! It is so much more fun to eat ice cream when you know it isn’t loaded with fat dairy. gross. This is actually loaded with super foods which should translate into super powers! (Yes, super powers)! Have a fun filled day!

Benefits of  RawVegan Ice Cream:

  • Brain Freeze inducing
  • Contains vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and rays of sunshine
  • Cruelty free creamy, cool, dreamy summer time delight

What you need:

Red Laye:r

Strawberries, cut in half to fill the edge of cake pan

White Ice Cream Cake Layer:

cashews, bananas, pitted dates, melted coconut oil, vanilla extract,  vegan milk (I used almond)

Blue Ice Cream Cake layer:

frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries (can use blueberries instead for a more true blue layer) vegan milk, dates, walnuts, banana




Tri-Color String Bean Garlic Fries- A Fry Lovers Fantasy


Again, Mother Nature you are awesome. period. Look at these string beans; I mean up until a few days ago I didn’t even know that string beans came in multiple colors. Did you? I found the organic beans at my local farmers market this weekend and had to have them even though I wasn’t sure how I was going to use them. I thought about it and settled on fries. I am a french fry lover (anything fried really) but lets be honest, one can’t keep her girlish figure in check if she is constantly eating fried potatoes. Insert baked string bean garlic fries! Nom, Nom, Nom!

I decided to play around with food styling a little and use the natural evening light that was coming through my kitchen window to photograph the beans. Kinda cool, eh? (pats self on the back). What do you think?

Benefits of String Beans

What You Need:

2 cups string beans, washed and ends trimmed (green is just fine, but tri-color is better, obviously)!

1 Tbls EVOO

1 tsp garlic powder

2 cloves garlic- one thinly sliced, the other chopped into small pieces

1/2 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt

1/2 tsp freshly grated black pepper

2 Tbls almond meal


Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Grease a baking sheet and lay the garlic glove that you thinly sliced over it. Mix all remaining ingredients in a bowl except the string beans and almond meal. Stir to mix. Put the almond meal on a plate. Toss beans in the bowl with oil mixture and mix until well coated. Then roll the beans in the almond meal. Transfer to the baking sheet and bake for 10 minuets and then broil for 3-5 minuets until brown and toasty. Then enjoy these garlicy strings of goodness and remember to thank me later!! 😉



Be sure to click the image below and follow me on instagram! @caracarin


Rays of Sunshine Juice- A Color Study



(Fruit- photos by me, no filter. Runway shots SS13.)

The level of excitement that coats over me like a paint brush when I see food this bright and colorful is ridiculous. A similar reaction to a kid in a candy store might be a good analogy. Squeals, squirms and wiggles of joy. I mean SERIOUSLY, look at those blood oranges. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?  Why would we ever want to genetically modify anything when something so lovely is created organically? Natures Candy!  I gathered these lovely ingredients at the farmers market and made a juice that I enjoyed with my bestie! This is a level of orange even Lindsey Lohan couldn’t replicate! #justsayin

Benefits of Rays of Sunshine Juice

  • Oranges– Protects against certain types of cancers, lowers cholesterol, protects skin, lowers risk for viral infections and alkalizes the body
  • Carrots- See my post here
  • Tomatoes– Vitamin A, C, K, Folate, B6, and prevents risk of cancer
  • Ginger- See my post here
  • Nectarines– loaded with Lutein an antioxidant power source that is thought to slow cognitive decline, protect against free radicals

What you need: (any quantity is fine, no right or wrong here)

5 carrots, peeled

1/5 Tbsl ginger, peeled and sliced

4 nectarines, sliced and pit removed

2 tomatos, sliced

5 blood oranges


Gather ingredients and toss into a juicer! Feel free to use a citrus juicer for the oranges or slice in half and toss the whole fruit in the juicer! Feel the radiant sun absorbed into your body through this lovely juice!



Ginger Ale- Freshly Brewed and Sugar Free


Soda is one of those things that I have given up almost entirely over the last three years but there is something about Ginger Ale that seems less threatening then a coke (i.e. ginger). I decided it needed to be made at home using fresh ginger and xylitol instead of sugar. Sugar is another one of those things I try to stay away from completely (try being the key word) as well! Ginger Ale was first created in 1851 in Ireland  but the well known Canada Dry Ginger Ale was created by John J. McLaughlin in the early 1900’s. I think it is the best of all sodas. Somebody grab the Makers, its time for a Whisky Gingers! Happy Sunday!

Benefits of Ginger

  • Anti-inflamatory properties that can help with joint pain- AKA post night in high heels remedy.
  • Remedy for motion sickness or upset stomachs
  • Strengthens your immunity and helps fight against certain cancers

What you need:

1 1/2 cups chopped peeled ginger

2 cups water

3/4 cups xylitol (or sugar if you must)

1 quart chilled seltzer of club soda

3 Tbls fresh lime juice


Put ginger in a small saucepan with the water a cook at a low simmer, covered, for 45 minuets. Remove pot from the heat and steep for 20 minuets still covered. Strain the mixture in to a bowl using cheesecloth or a sieve. (I rubber banded a cheesecloth over a bowl and poured the liquid in slowly, see image above) Squeeze the ginger while in the cheesecloth removing as much liquid as possible. Then put the ginger liquid back in the sauce pan with the xylitol (or preferred sweetener), add a pinch of salt and stir over a low heat until xylitol has fully dissolved. Pour syrup in a jar with the lid on and chill in the fridge until cold.


Mix Ginger Syrup with Seltzer and lime juice. To make one drink use 1/2 cup syrup, 3 teaspoons lime juice and 1 1.2 cup seltzer and adjust to your own taste! Enjoy out in the sunshine!



Cara’s Carrot Cake with Cashew Cream Cheese Icing! Happy Fathers Day!

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I feel like a rabbit. This cake, which I have appropriately named the Cara Carrot Cake (CCC are my initials) has turned me into a carrot monster. It is Raw, Vegan, Gluten Free and BEAUTIFUL. I love love love all the colors. I have to say that I exhibited mild symptoms of OCD while individually applying each slivered almond and pistachio on the sides of this cake. It was creative expression of a kind I haven’t experience before and if you haven’t had cashew cream cheese icing then get ready for a new “could eat by the spoonful” obsession. I just want to thank the Universe or Mother Nature or what ever is in charge here for cashews. Thank you for cashews. This cake was inspired by my dad and I made it for Fathers Day! I can not wait to give him a piece today at our post hike in Malibu brunch! Nom, Nom, Nom. (Love ya, Pops)

Benefits of Carrots:

  • Anti-Cancer- Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.
  • Glowing Healthy Skin- the Vitamin A in carrots protects against sun damage and premature wrinkles, acne, and uneven skin tone.
  • Carrots are an Alkaline food and help balance pH levels in the blood

Unfortunately, this is going in my upcoming eBook and I cannot give you the recipe but below is a list of the ingredients!


Carrots, mangos, dates, almond flour, GF oat flour, coconut, cinnamon, cashews, lemon juice, maple syrup, coconut oil, almonds, and pistachios.

Good Morning! Green Juice!


GOOD MORNING WORLD! Who doesn’t love juice? (rhetorical question)! Juicing is a magical way to help your body soak up vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and phytonutrients in an easy and efficient way. It is also a great way to eliminate toxins from the body while cleansing or detoxing. Talk about being beautiful from the inside out! And for all you vegetable haters out there, this is a great way to ensure you are getting your recommended daily amounts of fruit and veggies each day. Although, I do not resonate with recommended daily amounts of fruit and veggies. One should eat an unlimited supply of whole plant foods every day to fill there hearts desire. But thats just me! BOH!


Kale– Um, kale is a champ on the ORAC rating! (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)! Loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and mineral! Nice

Spinach– Great brain food! -Potassium, Iron, Folate, Vitamin A, Zinc, Copper

Celery– Incredibly alkalizing and helps balance the bodies pH levels. Also very hydrating

Romain- Serving per serving has more vitamin C than an Orange (WHOMP, WHOMP)

Apple- An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Lemon– Great for digestive system, helps keep a healthy immune system and gives you better looking skin. If you can, toss the whole lemon- peel included in the juicer

Parsley- Anti-infalmatory- good for aches and pains and helps control blood pressure. A “chemoprotective” food

Spirulina– PROTIEN- no need for protein powder when you add this baby! Also high in chlorophyll which removes toxins from the blood. And how can anything this green be bad for you? (again, rhetorical question)

Chlorella– Detox! Improve immunity, alkalinity, and inflammation. It also promotes the production of healthy flora, bacteria and probiotics throughout the digestive system. See you don’t need yogurt!

Toss everything in your juicer and enjoy! I added the Pea Shoots and Mint for a hint of sweetness and flavor after processing in my blender. You wouldn’t get much juice form these if put in the juice!

Stay healthy and stay happy.



Rainbow Noodles with Sun Dried Tomato Cashew Cream Sauce & Avo


I am a pasta/spaghetti/noodle addict – read Italian. Growing up my favorite dish was always Fettuccine Alfredo. The big flat noodles smothered in a creamy, cheesey, disaster delicious sauce, mmm bliss. The grown-up me much prefers this yummy version of the old classic. This dish is so satisfying and lovely to look at. I truly believe that we eat with our eyes first and how could you not when you have a rainbow on your plate! I just love colors and rainbows and unicorns! #pride Anyways- brb I have some NOMing to get to!

Benefits of Carrots:

  • Aids in vision, cancer fighting and beautiful glowing skin

Benefits of Zucchini:

  • Low in calories, high water content and contains protein and fiber

What you need:


4 Tb cashew butter
2 t miso
2 Tb tamari
8 Tb water
2 clove garlic
2 sun dried tomatoes (in oil)
Pinch of salt & pepper
2 Tb nutritional yeast
2 Tb hemp seeds
Pasta & Avocado Slices:
3 carrots, peeled
3 zucchini, peeled
Slightly pre-ripe Avocado
To make the sauce, blend all ingredients – except hemp seeds – together until smooth and creamy. If you want it thicker add more cashew butter or miso. If you want it lighter add more water or tamari. Then stir in hemp seeds.
To make the noodles, slice the carrots and zucchini with a vegetable peeler or on a mandolin!  Pour on the sauce.
Slice the avocados non-sysmetrically. Probably the way you don’t usually slice them and garnish as you wish.
(In the first picture I used the had the left over veggie noodles with some brown rice pasta covered in the cashew sauce) NOM!

I Like Me Some Lychee! An Ice Cream Dream!


Say hello to my first attempt at vegan ice cream (it also happens to be gluten free)! Lychee is one of those fruits that sort of make me stop in my tracks and say “Oh, Mother Nature.” They look like jelly fish with their skins off, are loaded with nutrients and have such a unique flavor. Lychee is native to Southern China, Taiwan, Bangladesh and South East Asia! Its cultivation in China dates back to 2000BC – thats old. I am headed to Thailand at the end of the month so I thought I would create an inspired recipe. I don’t mean to gloat but this might the most yummy concoction ever to have come out of my kitchen (totally not bragging)! This is insanely easy to make; if your new to the kitchen, give it a shot! I decided to add watermelon and mint to the recipe to add a differnt dimension to the flavor! NOM-ing as we speak!

Benefits of Lychee

  • Contains Polyphenols– slow aging, fight cancer
  • Increase Immunity
  • Protects against Free Radicals
  • Increase Blood formation

What you need:

Ice Cream:

lychee, diced watermelon, almond milk, chia seeds, mint leaves


mint leaves

watermelon shell


Snack Pack: Pretty Chia Chip Pudding!



Woah! I will never look at pudding the same ever again. I remember growing up opening my lunch box to such excitement every time my mom would pack a Snack Pack pudding. Did you know that the Snack Pack had a cameo in the movie Billy Elliot- Adam Sandlers character tries his best to snatch up some creamy, sweet, yummy childlike goodness!. I know you know what I am talking about! Well I am 25 now and still (sustainably) brown paper bag my lunch for work each day and this pudding has been constant since I first made it a week or so ago. This literally is loaded with only wholesome awesome ingredients! Chia seeds are so damn good for that you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t eat them on the daily. You really can eat this pudding with nothing but a smile inside and out! Yummy gluten free and vegan treats!

Benefits of Chia Seeds:

  • Perfect Egg replace- binds things together!
  • Loaded with fiber- help lower cholesterol and ride the body of toxins
  • Contains MINERALS- calcium, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium

What you need:

1 cup vanilla or chocolate almond milk (I used vanilla)

3 Tbs chia seeds

1/2 Tbs vanilla extract

1/2 cup blueberries (frozen or fresh)

2 medium strawberries

1/4 cup dark choc chips

1/2 Tbs agave


In a blender or food processor add the first two ingredients and blend until a uniform consistency appears. Then add the rest of the ingredients and blend until mixed well. If you want chunks of fruit then you can pulse a few times instead. Leave this in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours (If you can wait that long, its hard) then ENJOY! This is creamy, yummy, childlike goodness!



Blueberry Bliss! Mini Muffins

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These are kind of awesome! Vegan, gluten free and a little extra punch of protein, you’re welcome! I am a massive blueberry fan; not only are they exceptionally good for you, any way you eat them they are delicious. Toss them into some baked goodness and prepare yourself for some bliss. These little muffins are, as I am writing this, all gone. Yup! All 12 of them didn’t even last for 48 hours of existence. I brought them to work to share and well, now they are gone! It all started on Friday afternoon when I was in Whole Foods. For some beautiful, unexplained reason they were selling a pint of ORGANIC blueberries for $1.99. I bought 5 pints (5 is my lucky #) and made 3 blue-tastic recipes this weekend which I will of course all feature right here on the blog SO STAY TUNED!

Benefits of Blueberries

  • Antioxidant power house to build your immunity and slow aging- Vitamin A, C, E, copper, zinc, B complex, iron
  • Cancer Fighter– KARATE CHOP
  • Memory boosting benefits- Say hello to neurocognitive function as you age!

Recipe: Blueberry Blissed Protein Mini Muffins (makes 12 mini muffins) inspired by THIS recipe

What you need:

  • 1 cup gluten free flour- I used brown rice
  • 1/2 cup- vegan protein powder- I used Warrior Foods: aka the best!
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 5-6 Tbsp sweetener- Agave, honey, brown sugar or 1/2 packet stevia (your choice)
  • 2 flax eggs (1 egg= 1/2 Tsp flaxseed meal + 1 Tbsp water)
  • 2 Tbsp EVOO or melted vegan butter (like Earth Balance)
  • 6 Tbsp vanilla almond milk (unsweetened is fine)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup blueberries


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and grease your mini muffin tin. Prepare your flax eggs in a cup and set side to mix. In a medium size bowl combine all your dry ingredients (including the dry sweeteners if using sugar or stevia). Otherwise, combine all the wet ingredients in the cup used for the flax eggs and whisk together. Work your wet ingredients into the dry and combine well until a dough forms. Fold in the blueberries. Put about a Tbsp of dough into each mini muffin tin and bake in the oven for 11-13 minuets. Check them with a tooth pick to make sure they are dry through out before removing. Place on a paper towel or cookie rack to cool. Then find your bliss: dive into these beautiful sweet muffins! (like I said, your welcome)!
