Rays of Sunshine Juice- A Color Study



(Fruit- photos by me, no filter. Runway shots SS13.)

The level of excitement that coats over me like a paint brush when I see food this bright and colorful is ridiculous. A similar reaction to a kid in a candy store might be a good analogy. Squeals, squirms and wiggles of joy. I mean SERIOUSLY, look at those blood oranges. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?  Why would we ever want to genetically modify anything when something so lovely is created organically? Natures Candy!  I gathered these lovely ingredients at the farmers market and made a juice that I enjoyed with my bestie! This is a level of orange even Lindsey Lohan couldn’t replicate! #justsayin

Benefits of Rays of Sunshine Juice

  • Oranges– Protects against certain types of cancers, lowers cholesterol, protects skin, lowers risk for viral infections and alkalizes the body
  • Carrots- See my post here
  • Tomatoes– Vitamin A, C, K, Folate, B6, and prevents risk of cancer
  • Ginger- See my post here
  • Nectarines– loaded with Lutein an antioxidant power source that is thought to slow cognitive decline, protect against free radicals

What you need: (any quantity is fine, no right or wrong here)

5 carrots, peeled

1/5 Tbsl ginger, peeled and sliced

4 nectarines, sliced and pit removed

2 tomatos, sliced

5 blood oranges


Gather ingredients and toss into a juicer! Feel free to use a citrus juicer for the oranges or slice in half and toss the whole fruit in the juicer! Feel the radiant sun absorbed into your body through this lovely juice!
